Commit to be Fit!

Make your workout fun and you will stick with it! Zumba is the best cardio workout I have ever done and my bootcamps definitely give you the most intense, diverse type of training that your body needs. Follow me on my blog to learn helpful fitness tips, exercises, healthy recipe ideas, and so much more! Enter your email address below and the posts will come directly to you.

Learn Fitness, Love Fitness, Live Fitness

Monday, March 7, 2011

Simple and Important tips to a healthy lifestyle

Hello! So I started this blog because #1, I love fitness and #2, I love food!!I am constantly reading and learning about new exercises and recipes and just fun health/fitness facts and I want to share! Now let's be honest, I do love my fruits and vegetables and they make me feel great! But I can also do some damage to an in'n out burger once in a while...and I don't want to feel bad when I do! You shouldn't either. Finding balance is important. (That doesn't mean burgers everyday:) It does mean, keeping a consistent clean eating and workout routine and making those desserts or burgers more of a treat. Exercise needs to be a part of your lifestyle, not just until you lose the 20 or 30 pounds you want to lose. If you are just beginning your journey into fitness or you have been involved for years, here are a few tips to get that jump start to getting your summer body you want and will love!

1. Make time to workout. We all have busy lives but make your workout a priority, not an option.

2. Eat 5-6 times a day. Small portions. Eating every few hours will keep your metabolism working all day and keep you full. The main thing to remember is, don't overeat! It is so easy to do, but literally take a break and make yourself actually think about the next bite. Do you really need it? Probably not, and tell yourself, you will be eating in just a few hours again anyways:)

3. Eat breakfast daily. Even if you are not hungry. Get your metabolism started early to help your burn more calories throughout the whole day.

4.Keep healthy snacks on you. Fruit, almonds, protein bars...Keeping healthy snacks on you will make you less likely to drive through a fast food line because you are "starving." I have a recipe for a yummy protein bar that I will post in a later post once I break down the nutrition part.

5. Drink 8-10 glasses of water. Water helps clean out the toxins in your body and will help you feel fuller. Try drinking a glass of water first when you think you are hungry. Many times, your body is just dehydrated.

6. Keep an exercise bag packed at all times in your car.

7. Begin a fitness journal/food log. No one has to see this but you so be honest! Writing down what I consume during the day always helps me eat less. Even if I am the only one looking at it, it, if I really don't want to have to write it down won't eat it!

8. Read fitness literature. Looking through fitness magazines and watching fitness shows helps you motivate yourself to work even harder.

Remembering these tips will be a great start to your healthy and fit lifestyle. If you do not belong to a gym, no worries! Start taking walks around your neighborhood. Walk your dog...they will love you! If you do belong to a gym and you don't know where to start or it all looks intimidating, start by getting to know the cardio machines and the weight machines. Ask a trainer or staff member to show you around and show you how to use a few basic machines. Then from there, try others. Usually the machines at gyms are grouped together by body part. Look at the diagrams, adjust the weight and play around.

As important as working our is, diet is just as, if not more important. You can work your butt off, but if you come home and just consume those calories back up in saturated fats and calorie dense foods, you are just going to bum yourself out. I have done it! So trust me....

After working out, you want to replenish your body. You need to eat some protein and carbohydrates within 30 minutes to replace your glycogen. Even just drinking a sports drink after is better than nothing. I will get more into diet and nutrition in later posts.

So remember, drink water, eat breakfast, and make time to workout!! Healthy choices make healthy bodies.